Maternity Reflexology Training Completed! January 2020

I've had a great start to 2020. I'm pleased to announce that I can now offer Maternity Reflexology to pregnant women after training with the lovely Sally Earlam.

There are a number of benefits reflexology can give to help relieve many of the symptoms that women can experience during pregnancy.

For example relief can be given for:

  • Pelvic girdle pain
  • Morning sickness and heartburn
  • Constipation and itching

Reflexology can aid the endocrine system to calm and rebalance, to the lymphatic system helping the body to flush the excess fluid which the body can retain to relieve swollen feet and ankles.

Get in touch

Please feel free to get in touch by telephone or email, without obligation, as I would be very happy to assist with any further information that you may need on the holistic therapies I offer. If you would like to know how holistic therapies could support many diagnosed, ongoing medical conditions that you may have, please get in touch.

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